臼井靈氣手冊是,仍然是給予所有的等級臼井靈氣的學生原始靈氣社群。 關於這方法的指南,治癒桌子,我問 Doi 先生為什麼臼井-先生 給予如此長和復雜的指導對他的新學生。 他釋在早期 那方面 先生沒有如此的一個指引,但是他很快發現了一些人不能夠感覺該在哪裡把他們的手放在特定(所有)病疾部位,為此他決定提供指導直到他們不再需要這個指令時。
Gyosei 在日本 發靈氣之前時常被講或唱引人注意以日本語使用的冥想使用在靈氣課程或者聚會,而且一節拍音節拍打 5- 7- 5 - 7- 7. 在那集會結束的時候格言也會講出來; 主要地現代- 5個最著名的聲明。
發靈氣法在Doi先生的書描述(Iyashi 沒有 現代靈氣般引人注意- 見我的網站在www.threshold.ca) 做一些微地的臼井-先生原始的修正版。 它如何被做也在他書的第 162 頁上被描述到。
發靈氣法叫做 " 修養法" 當它在一個團體中一起被做的時候。 它就像這樣: 清楚而且一心去唱誦 Gyosei
正坐 - 像襌風格中中坐在地板上
乾洗,淨潔 - 刷洗乾淨
淨化呼吸與意識 -靈魂清理呼吸: 在 "串聯治療" 上的冥想聚焦
精神統一 - 繼續冥想(這時當 "點化"- 賦與權力或點化是由老師給予-這被做在所有的每一次靈氣聚會)
五戒 三唱-大聲地說 5項原則三次
(來源: 書" Iyashi 沒有 現代靈氣法"- " 治癒的現代的靈氣方法 " 由土井洋著)
這裡是 發靈氣法 的翻譯第 207 頁 -209 在日本靈氣大師土 井洋 先生的書’Iyashi 沒有 現代靈氣法’ (Isbn: 4-9006631-34 -7c 0077) 或”現代的靈氣療癒方法
”, 這個章節是由Yukio Miura 翻譯的這一個部分,京都,日本- Doi 先生已經給許可列印。 這技術來自於一種道教的氣功運動而且仍然在日本靈氣社會中被教導。
Richard's comments:
The Usui Reiki Hikkei was, and still is, given out to all level one students of the Usui Reiki
Ryoho Gakkai. Concerning the Guide to Method of Healing table, I asked Mr. Doi why would
Usui-sensei give out such a long and complex guide to his new students. He explained that early
on, Sensei did not have such a guide, but he soon discovered that some people were unable to
sense where to place their hands for certain (or all) illnesses He decided to provide instructions that could be followed until such time as they no longer required this.
The Gyosei is often spoken or sung before the Japanese Hatsurei ho meditation used in Japanese
Reiki classes or gatherings, and has a syllable beat of 5 - 7 - 5 - 7 - 7. At the end of the gathering the Precepts are also spoken; mainly the Gokai - the 5 well known statements.
Usui-sensei's Shuyo ho
The Hatsurei ho described in Mr. Doi's book (Iyashi No Gendai Reiki Ho - see my web site at www.threshold.ca) is a slightly modified version of Usui-sensei's original. How it is done originally is also described on page 162 of his book.
Hatsurei-ho is called "Shuyo ho" when it is done together in a group. It goes like this: Clear one's mind by singing Gyosei
Seiza - sit on the floor in zen style
Kenyoku - brushing off
Joshin Kokyu - Soul cleansing breathing: meditation focusing on "tanden"
Seishin Toitsu - continue to meditate (this is when "Reiju" - an empowerment or attunement is give by teachers - this is done to all at every Reiki gathering)
Gokai sansho - say 5 principles aloud three times
(Source: book "Iyashi No Gendai Reiki Ho "- "Modern Reiki Method for Healing" by Hiroshi Doi)
Here is a translation of a Hatsurei-ho on Pages 207-209 of Japanese Reiki Master Mr. Hiroshi
Doi's book 'Iyashi no Gendai Reikiho' (Isbn. 4-9006631-34-7c0077) or "Modern Reiki Method
for Healing", this section translated by Yukio Miura, Kyoto , Japan - Mr. Doi has given
permission to print this. This technique is from a Taoist Qigong movement and is still taught in the Japanese Reiki society.
☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第1部臼井靈氣手冊! 哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 手冊裡面還有觀音靈氣! 看到好多漂亮的觀音哦! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 敬請期待後續翻譯……我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!
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