你也以你的舌的頂端在你的嘴巴根部上劃靈氣符號。想像這個靈氣符號,當你的手在接觸這個需要幫助的區域時,使靈氣符號看得見。或僅僅做靈氣期間...靈氣符號不需要被使用。 靈氣將自已去,需要使用它的地方或不可或缺的靈氣符號。
在涼爽的水中洗你的手。 堅定不移在客戶之前而且默默地或大聲地 (隨你喜愛)重複下列的祈禱文南無觀世音菩薩3次...暫停...3 次.... 暫停 ... 3 次 ,(總共9次)召喚觀音在治癒中援助你。 不需要掃描病人,紫羅蘭火陷靈氣將自動去它不可或缺的地方。 靈氣符號可能直劃被劃在客戶上面或者在你的手的手掌之上被放在離客戶一吋身體上。它也是可能的不使用靈氣符號。 當長距離治療的時候,要求許可然後藉由說他們的名字 3 次,代理將代表本人。把在你的手成杯狀裡面放代理權,劃紫羅蘭火焰靈氣符號在你的嘴的根上和然後在代理之上在代理上劃紫羅蘭火焰靈氣符號在上面直接地吐出紫羅蘭火焰靈氣符號。 你也能藉由要求觀音經過你引導紫羅蘭火焰靈氣送紫羅蘭火焰靈氣進入一種場所、或一個房間 (在深切留心的自由意志)藉由要求觀音經過你引導紫羅蘭火焰靈氣和藉由做下列各項:
1. 劃畫靈氣符號在你的手掌之上然後向上翻轉你的手掌/向外地傳送紫羅蘭火焰靈氣進入房間或位置
2. 劃靈氣符號在你嘴的根部上並且吐氣穿越你的嘴。 你也可能找另一個為你更好運作的方法。 為了要把力量加入那治癒,重複祈禱文。 當完成,為她的協助謝謝觀音。 在涼爽的水中洗你的手。
*語言的發音: 南無觀世音菩薩
我將會建議首先沐浴。 發現一個安靜的區域獨自在一起。 如果你有鼠尾草,你可以燃燒它清除你的空間。 或創造一
你覺得舒服的方法中任何一種你自己的神聖空間。 找一個安靜
地方 (獨立的,充滿希望)在一個舒服的位置中坐著或者躺下
哪一個某某某________ 從
誰__________________ 正在傳送給我”然後放鬆而且接受點化。 我將在以七天之後將你所使用的靈氣符號點化封入靈氣盒子
I use the symbols a variety of ways.
You can draw them on your skin (with your fingertip)
I've bought wooden disks and inscribed the symbols on them and then when I do a healing, I enclose them in my box with something personal of mine (or someone else if I am doing a healing for someone else)
You can also draw the symbol on the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.
Visualize the symbol while your hands are in contact with the area that is needing help. Or just do a reiki session ... the symbols do not need to be used. Reiki will go where it is needed with or without symbols.
Love and Light,
To Use Violet Flame Reiki:
Wash your hands in cool water. Stand before client and repeat the following mantra silently or aloud (your preference) NAMO KUAN SHIH YIN PU~SA* 3 times ... Pause ... 3 times .... Pause .... 3 times, (a total of 9 times) to summon Quan Yin to aid you in the healing. There is no need to scan patient as VF Reiki will go where it is needed. The symbols may be drawn directly above the client or onto the palm of your hands and than your hands held a inch or so away from clients body. It is also possible to not use the symbols. When doing long distance healing, ask for permission and then identify whom the proxy will represent by stating their name 3 times. Cup the proxy within your hands, draw VF Reiki symbols on the roof of your mouth and then breathe the VF Reiki symbols onto the proxy or draw VF Reiki symbols directly onto the proxy. You can also send the VF Reiki into a situation, or a room (being mindful of free will) by asking Quan Yin to channel VF Reiki through you and by doing the following:
1. Drawing symbols onto your palms and then turning your palms upwards/outwards to send VF Reiki into room or situation OR
2. 2. Drawing symbols on roof of mouth and exhaling through your mouth. You may also find another way that works well for you. To add power to the healing, repeat mantra. When completed, thank Kuan Yin for her assistance. Wash your hands in cool water.
*Phonetic pronunciation: Nay Moe Gwahn Shy Een Poo Saw
It will be necessary to practice this mantra unless you already use it in your spiritual work or are familiar with sanskrit pronunciation.
These are the instructions I usually suggest for receiving the Violet Flame
Reiki attunements.
I would suggest bathing first. Find a quiet area to be alone. If you have
sage, you might like to burn it as well to clear your space. Or create a
sacred space of your own in whatever way you feel comfortable. Find a quiet
place (alone, hopefully) to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and
then ask,
"I wish to receive the Violet Flame Reiki attunement that _________ from
___________________ is sending me" then relax and accept the attunement. I will be sealing your attunement in a reiki box with the symbols for seven days after.
☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第2部觀音靈氣! 哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 手冊裡面還有觀音靈氣! 看到好多漂亮的觀音哦! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 敬請期待後續翻譯……我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!

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2 則留言:
2007/11/24 01:07