”紫羅蘭色的火焰靈氣點化盒子是我在長距離點化使用的。 在我使用了這個名詞 "靈氣盒子" 之後在別的地方的網上也聽到過相同名稱。我沒有任何想法去解釋他們的靈氣盒子是什麼,但我能解釋我的。 :) 一個紫羅蘭色的火焰靈氣盒子用在盒子的外面和內部上被刻印所有的紫羅蘭色的火焰靈氣符號,是一個木製的盒子。我然後拿不同類型的漂亮而未磨光的寶石 (半寶貴的)而且覆蓋在靈氣符號之上,以便靈氣符號保持隱藏和神聖。我使用玉、紫水晶、 磁鐵礦、 東陵玉、各種的碧玉、各種的瑪瑙、各種的石英、黃水晶、橄欖石、月長石、日長石、 白紋石、瑪瑙、海洋貝殼,土耳其玉,等等覆蓋靈氣符號。我非常嚴肅採取點化程序。我沒有感覺舒服,在’目的上’獨自一個人點化時。 首先我沐浴而且潔淨房間穿上乾淨的衣服。 我點燃一些白色的蠟燭。 我做特定數量的祈禱文給觀音。然後我刻印這個靈氣符號在有刻你的資訊在它的頂端做一定數量次數並且封住你的資訊和靈氣符號在紫羅蘭色火焰靈氣點化盒子七天。 艾菲摩爾
所有的紫羅蘭色的火焰靈氣資料和靈氣符號版權由艾菲摩爾 2000 所有.使用了許可。 觀音的照片; 在一些數百種的各種不同的藝術家和攝影師數年以前呈現的,在地球的整個大區域上方。從作家到新聞討論群組的公佈都獨自地由作者的資料版權所擁有。 不能沒有來自作者的許可,一些資料使用。我呼籲任何人在關於這個的想知道更多令人驚奇形式的靈氣感興趣可以在她的線上新聞群組在 紫羅蘭色的火焰靈氣@ yahoo.com申請會員資格。 而且在那裡尋求點化。
這一本手冊由吉娜若雲所寫,如果有的錯誤或不正確完全地是我的責任。 這是一本非營利目的出版。 沒有金錢交換接受到這本手冊或點化時。 版權 2002 年二月. 無論如何,這一本手冊被當做關於特別形式的靈氣指南,而且不意意謂著無論如何或者被使用來代替適當醫師診斷或治療。 顯露出疾病或疾病的任何癥狀的任何人被應該催促他們找醫師立即的尋求幫忙。 這個資料都是完全地地為了教育的目的。 謝謝你。
Violet Flame Reiki Box |
“Violet Flame Reiki Atunement boxes are what I use for long distance attunements. After I used the phrase "reiki box" I heard it elsewhere on the web. I have no idea what their reiki box it but, I can explain mine. :) A Violet Flame Reiki box is a wooden box with all of the Violet Flame Symbols inscribed on the outside and inside of the box. I then take different kinds of polished and unpolished rocks (semi precious) and adhere them over the symbols so that the symbols are kept hidden and sacred. I use jade, amethyst, hemitite, adventurine, all kinds of jaspers, all kinds of agate, all kinds of quartz, citrine, peridot, moonstone, sunstone, howlite, carnelian, sea shells, turquoise etc to cover the the symbols. I take the attunement process very seriously. I do not feel comfortable relying on 'intent' alone for an attunement. I bathe first and put on clean clothes than sage the room. I light some white candles. I do a specific amount of mantras to Kuan yin. Then I inscribe the symbols on top of your information a set number of times and then seal your information and the symbols in the Violet Flame Reiki attunement box for seven days.” Ivy Moore
All Violet Flame Reiki material and symbols copyright by Ivy Moore 2000.
Used with permission. Pictures of Quan Yin; various artists and photographers over several hundred years ago to present, over large areas of the globe. Postings from writers to the newsgroups include material copyright to the writer alone. Some material used without permission from the author.
Ivy Moore advises she will have more symbols in the future, and is presently writing the manual for VFR. I urge anyone interested in knowing more about this wonderful form of Reiki to request membership in her group online at Violet Flame Reiki @ yahoo.com. and seek attunements there.
This manual was written by Gina Worthy, all errors or inaccuracies are totally my responsibility. This is a not-for-profit publication. No money exchanged hands to receive either this manual or the attunement. Copyright February 2002. This manual is meant as a guide to a particular form of Reiki, and is not meant in any event or occurrence to be used instead of proper medical diagnosis or treatment. Anyone exhibiting any symptoms of disease or illness is urged to seek help immediately from their physician. This material is solely meant for educational purposes. Thank you.
☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第2部觀音靈氣! 哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 手冊裡面還有觀音靈氣! 看到好多漂亮的觀音哦! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 敬請期待後續翻譯……我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!
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