明治天皇御製(Hiroshi Doi先生說明)
Emperor Meiji Gyosei (explanation by Mr. Hiroshi Doi)
1. 臼井靈氣療法的目的(來自靈氣療法手冊)
臼井靈氣的開業者使用由明治天皇寫的 125御製,是
第 122個日本天皇而且寫了了許多御製(日本 WAKA 詩), 當做心智的食物。 他們也被保存靈氣社團五戒(為了今天,不生氣,不煩惱。 要感謝。 努力工作。 每天是對所有的人仁慈,為你自己的心和身體生長盡力,瞄準保存健康,而且目的是為了逐漸增加和平、繁榮和快樂在家庭/社會/國家/世界)
2. 傳統的靈氣(治療)研討會
Shuyokai,意指研究會,被傳統臼井靈氣大師執行為了出席者來促進所有心和靈魂的生長。 接受或給予能量那時是靈氣大師給的。 發靈氣法教導在二階中獨自練習靈氣。
在 Shuyokai 的開始和發靈氣法 , GYOSEI 大聲地閱讀來清除空轉的想法。
五戒至少大聲地閱讀三次。 這被臼 井 先生和傳統的傳統臼井靈氣開業者現在仍然還在執行它。
3. GYOSEI 的目的
明治天皇說的是最佳的靈媒。 他的仁慈產生全部的
4. GYOSEI (被 Hiroshi Doi 的解釋和例子)
(1) # 106" め に みえ ぬ かみ に むかいて はじざる わひと の こころ のまことなり けり"
如果你什麼也沒有在神之前感到羞愧,你有健康純粹的靈魂,你不能夠見到它,它卻認識你全部。 我希望,每個人有如此的靈魂。
(2) #125"われ も また さらに みがかむ くもりなき ひとのこころを かがみ に は して”
我希望我的心像偉人但卻默默無聞但是我有很棒的心和靈魂。 雖然我是皇帝,但是我並不是偉大的人
(3)#6"てん を うらみ ひとを とがむる こともあらじ わが あやまち を おもいかえさば"
我有連續的不快樂和我不能夠控制的痛苦。 容易想到這裡没有神,我容易認為其他人應該為它受責嗎。這真的被責備
在其他的人身上? 我總是正確地沒有任何的過失嗎? 不,我能記得我也有許多過失。 這被歸咎於我,我知道這是我帶來的結果,現在我去除了這個生病的感覺。
(4) #2"あさみどり すみわたりらる おおぞら の ひろき を おの が こころ ともがな"
1. 1. Purpose of Usui Reiki Ryoho (from brochure of Reiki Ryoho)
The practitioners of Usui Reiki Ryoho use 125 Gyosei written by Emperor Meiji, who was
the 122nd Japan Emperor and made a lot of Gyosei (Japanese WAKA poetry), as mental
food. They also keep the GOKAI (For today only, do not anger, do not worry. Be grateful. Endeavor your work. Be kind to all people everyday, make an effort for your own mind & body growth, aim at keeping health, and aim at increasing peace, prosperity and happiness
in family/society/nation/world.)
2. 2. Traditional Reiki Ryoho (treatment) Seminar
Shuyokai, which means seminar, is held by Traditional Reiki Ryoho master in order to encourage the growth of mind and spirit of all attendants. Reiju is given by the master at that time. Hatsureiho is taught in the Level 2 to practice Reiki by oneself..
At the beginning of Shuyokai and Hatsureiho, GYOSEI is read aloud to clear idle thoughts.
GOKAI is read aloud three times at least. This was started by Usui-sensei and Traditional
Usui Reiki practitioners perform it still now.
3. 3. The Purpose of GYOSEI
It is said that Emperor Meiji was a great psychic. His goodness was generated to all over
the country like sun, his feeling was broad-minded and plentiful like the ocean, his will was strong, his belief was full of love and as broad as the land.
In Meiji era, most politicians were so called great people who experienced much difficulties
in the changing era from Edo SAMURAI period to Meiji democratic period, but they got strained and sweat when they were meeting Emperor Meiji, not by Emperor's authority but
by Reiki power.
USA president F. Roosevelt said, "Japanese people must be happy to have such a great
Emperor. Japan will progress and develop with the Emperor Meiji. "
Emperor Meiji did not talk a lot but wrote a lot of WAKA poetry to express himself. These poetry's are recognized as great poetry in Japanese literature.
Usui-sensei respected the Emperor Meiji, selected 125 WAKA poetry as GYOSEI to use in
Reiki lesson.
4. 4. GYOSEI (samples and explanation by Hiroshi Doi)
(1) (1) # 106 "Me ni mie nu kami ni mukaite hajizaru wa hito no kokoro no makoto nari keri"
You have a right pure soul if you have nothing to be ashamed of in front of God, whom you cannot see, who knows you all. I wish everyone had such soul.
(2) (2) #125 "Ware mo mata sarani migakamu kumorinaki hitono kokorowo kagami ni
ha site"
I wish my mind clear like great people unknown but have great mind and soul. Though
I am the Emperor, I am not a great as a human.
(3) (3) #6 "Ten wo urami hito wo togamuru kotomo araji waga ayamachi wo omoikaesaba"
I have consecutive unhappiness and pain that I cannot control. Easy to think that there
is no God, I tend to think that the other person is to blame for it. Is this really blamed
on other person? Am I always right without any fault? No, I can remember that I also have many faults. This is blamed on me, I know that this is the result I bring, and now I
am free from ill feeling.
(4) (4) #2 "Asamidori sumiwatari taru oozora no hiroki wo ono ga kokoro tomogana"
I stand at the spring green field, looking up at the clear blue sky, and I wish I could get the broad sky in my mind.
1 則留言:
翻譯這些一定很辛苦吧,功德無量<img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/36.gif"/>
[版主回覆11/16/2007 20:02:26]<p>沒辦法!</p>
<p><img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/36.gif"/><img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/4.gif"/><img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/35.gif"/></p>