(5) #88"なにごと も おもうが ままに ならざる が かえりて ひと の み の ためんい こそ"
沒有人總是能生活在他/她自己的意志下。當事物不如他們的期望,人們會變得失望而且感覺不滿。 然而,期待和欲望不能夠完全地被滿足但是如果欲望被滿足的時候變更多時,來到最後,它將造成毀滅。 因此我想那實際上是多麼無心造成
(6) #19"いささか の きず なき たま も ともすれば ちり に ひかり を うしないにけり"
即使完美無暇的珠寶都可能失去它的美和光亮只因為一點灰塵。 人的心和靈魂也需要持續的拋光為了保持清明。
(7)#13"いかならむ ことある とき も うつせ門 の ひと の こころ よ ゆたか ならなむ"
(8) #26"うつわ にはしたがい ながら いわがね も とす は みず の ちから なりけれ"
水不反抗任何的船,它被停留並且讓船形成的時候。 水似乎是順從、有彈性,和不倔強的。 然而,水能用它的連續集中滴下的水滴來打破岩石。 因此人也應該為任何的情形,像是想法和人類的關係是具有彈性的,而且連續集中做某些重要的事。
(9) #111"ゆき に たえ あ兆し に たえし のち に こそ まつ の くらい も たかく みえけれ"
因為據說松樹帶好運氣,人們很喜歡松樹。 而且人評估形狀和松樹的平衡,但是真正的價值是不同的。當最寒冷的冬天隨著許多年的時間流逝而來的時候,松樹可以倖存在深雪而且狂風暴怒中,雖然其他的樹全部都死了。 松樹顯示他們的韌性而且人們稱讚這是很棒的松樹。
(10) #57"くれぬべう なりて いよいよ おしむ かな なすこと なくて すぎし ひとひを"
今天我什麼也沒有做,而且我發現現在已經是晚上。 我起先感覺抱歉,但是我立刻改變了我的想法這個狀況並不糟,它是嗎? 因為任何的片刻對人都是非常寶貴,而且今天我浪費我的寶貴的時間,所以是的,它很壞。
好吧,然而,我不應該長久以來為我錯過的日子感到遺憾。 現在我試著生活在沒有遺憾下過我的新日子。
(5) (5) #88 "Nanigoto mo omouga mamani narazaru ga kaerite hito no mi no tameni koso"
No one can always live at his/her own will. People get disappointed and feel discontent when things do not go as they expected. The expectation and desire, however, cannot
be satisfied completely but grow more if a desire is satisfied, and at last, it will result in ruin. So I think that reality with much unintentional XXXXX
(6) (6) #19 "Isasaka no kizu naki tama mo tomosureba chiri ni hikari wo usinainikeri"
If you get a beautiful, bright and scratch-less jewel, without constant polishing and cleaning, it will lose its brightness by a little dust. So human heart also, beautiful and pure heart cannot be kept without constant polishing.
(7) (7) #13 "Ikanaramu kotoaru toki mo utsusemi no hito no kokoro yo yutaka naranamu"
Human, that is manifestation of a God, should always have hope, bright and broad- minded heart as God has, whatever may happen.
(8) (8) #26 "Utsuwa niha shitagai nagara iwagane mo tosu ha mizu no chikara narikere" Water does not oppose any vessels and it is stayed as the vessel form. Water seems to
be obedient, flexible, and not self-assertive. However, water can break rocks with its consecutive concentrated drops. So people should also have flexibility for any situation such as thought and human relationship, and have consecutive concentration to do something important.
(9) (9) #111 "Yuki ni tae arashi ni taeshi nochi ni koso matsu no kurai mo takaku miekere"
People have been liked pine tree because it is said that pine tree bring good luck. And people evaluate the shape and balance of pine tree, but the real worth is different. When
the coldest winter came after the lapse of many years, pine trees could survive deep snow and storm though other trees died all. Pine trees showed their toughness and people evaluated the great pine trees.
(10) (10) #57 "Kurenubeku narite iyoiyo oshimu kana nasukoto nakute sugishi hitohiwo" Today I had nothing to do and I find that now is evening. I felt sorry for that at first, but
I changed my mind that this is not so bad, is it? Yes, it is BAD because any moment is very precious for people and I waste my precious time today. Well, however, I should
not regret my passed day for so long. Now I try to live my new day without regret.
☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第1部臼井靈氣手冊! 哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 手冊裡面還有觀音靈氣! 看到好多漂亮的觀音哦! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 敬請期待後續翻譯……我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!
1 則留言:
天使華哥辛苦了,乾八爹<img src="http://tw.yimg.com/i/tw/blog/smiley/35.gif"/>
[版主回覆11/19/2007 20:48:54]<p>呵!</p>