金字塔十Middle East-The Tree of Life【Thoth十二個金字塔故事系列】
The pyramid that is in the grid over the Middle East,is the focal point for the first story of humanity.You would know this place as the Cradle of Civilization,thestory of Adam and Eve and their descendents.
It is from this pyramid that a tale wastold of the first humans who came toplay on Earth's soil and give it life.Their very existence would be createdas a metaphor for the creational patternsof humanity's earliest roots.
And the sacred symbols of this creationwould be genetically encoded into thosewhowould come to be part of this land.
For it is these souls who would awakenat the end of this cycle to lead theothers into the next creation.
The Middle East would carry the frequency ofthis information throughout the cycle.Muchblood would be shed by the keepers of thesecrets, and their descendents, on this soilwhere creation was said to spring forth.
It is in this region that the Lords of Light and Darknesswould play out their earliest games, battles that wouldcontinue until the end of this cycle and the beginning ofa Golden Age of Light, to be brought forth by the keeperof this pyramid, oneknown as Ta-She-Ra El Amun.

Ta-She-Ra El Amun將擁抱靈魂及把它們帶進金字塔裏,在那裏他們會從得到療癒治療累劫累世在地球輪迴所不得不忍受的創痛。
And there would be a new beginning.A new Tree of Life would spring forthfrom thispyramid, and its matrix, joiningwith the other 11 pyramids of creation.

It is time for humanity to return to this pyramidto heal in the womb of creation, to move throughits matrix of geometric shapes and understandhow the first man andwoman were created.
