對學習亢達里尼靈氣感興趣的人全部一定要由亢達里尼靈氣1 開始,即使你可能有來自其他的靈氣系統的點化。
亢達里尼靈氣 1-2-3級點化可以被遙遠做或遠距課程取得。點化的品質完成和 " 親自由手放上去參與的 " 或當做一個遙遠又遠距點化是沒有不同的。
亢達里尼靈氣1: 第一個點化打開治癒通道允許靈氣能量的引導。同時,你也準備在亢達里尼靈氣2 被喚醒。頂輪、心輪和手輪將被打開/加強。你被教導進行完全的治癒治療而且從遠處做遠距治療。亢達里尼靈氣1是等同於臼井靈氣1-2-3的點化。 課程筆記: 3 A紙張 4 頁。
亢達里尼靈氣2:靈氣通道被加強。主要的能量通道逐漸地而且當然打開的生命力喚醒,落到亢達里尼之" 火 ",到達最小的太陽輪(太陽神經叢),準備完整的生命力在亢達里尼靈氣3中上升. 你也被教特定的沉思。當你表現這冥想的時候,你將增加短時間,在亢達里尼火焰的力量被點燃/能量。這樣,所有的脈輪/能量系統將被啟發,而且一一被潔淨。 課程筆記: 1 張A 4 頁。
(在亢達里尼靈氣1 :點化後至少要2天)
亢達里尼靈氣3 (亢達里尼靈氣大師級): 先前的點化是加強和咽輪,太陽輪、 臍輪和海底輪的打開。亢達里尼 " 火焰 " 被加強而且到達和超出在頂輪上面-充滿的生命力的上升發生。你被教調合水晶和其他的物體,
以便使他們能夠擔任靈氣通道。 額外的被包括在內的點化: 1- 平衡, 2- 鑽石靈氣, 3- 水晶靈氣, 4- DNA 靈氣, 5-靈魂家族創傷靈氣,6-地點靈氣, 7- 過去生命靈氣。 你也被教傳遞亢達里尼靈氣1-2-3 。 課程筆記: 3 A紙 4 頁。
(在亢達里尼靈氣2 :點化後至少10天)
每個點化大約要。 25 分鐘。
A person who has, or has had problems with wrong Kundalini awakening, or other
problems with the Kundalini energy, can most often be helped with Kundalini Reiki.
All who are interested in learning Kundalini Reiki must begin with Kundalini Reiki 1, even though you may have attunements from other systems.
Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3 are taken as remote, long-distance courses. There is no difference
in the quality of attunements whether done “hands-on” or as a remote, long-distance attunement.
Kundalini Reiki 1 : The first attunement opens the healing channels to allow channelling of Reiki energy. At the same time you are prepared for the Kundalini awakening in Kundalini Reiki 2. The Crown, Heart and hand chakras are
opened/strengthened. You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance. Kundalini Reiki 1 is the equivalent of the USUI Reiki 1-
2-3 attunements. Course notes: 3 A4 pages.
Kundalini Reiki 2: The Reiki channels are strengthened. The Kundalini awakening, where the main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire”, reaches the minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. You are also taught a specific meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place. Course notes: 1 A4 page.
(Minimum 2 days after Kundalini Reiki 1)
Kundalini Reiki 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master): The previous attunements are strengthened and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is strengthened and reaches up and out of the Crown chakra - full
rising of the Kundalini takes place. You are taught to attune Crystals and other objects,
so that they act as Reiki channels. Extra included attunements: 1 - Balance, 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline Reiki, 4 - DNA Reiki, 5 - Birth trauma Reiki, 6 -
Location Reiki, 7 - Past Life Reiki. You are also taught to pass on Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. Course notes: 3 A4 pages.
(Minimum 10 days after Kundalini Reiki 2)
Each attunement takes approx. 25 minutes.