How have you been? nearly all
It's good for you {much of x
She's good to me {many of x
how do you find your new home?
what do they think of _
how do you feel about x ?
what do you think about x ?
How do you find x ?
what is your opinion about x ?
What is your idea about x ?
What do ou feel about ?
It's nearly finished 差不多
It's almost finished 幾乎
P19 Living in the USA
Reberto(拉丁語唸法) solano(姓) 西班牙-南美、義大利
aged 年齡已經到
come from x to y →放地名或時間
At first 剛開始 contrast 對比
miss 想念 →missed 想念以前一切
__(名單)→sunshine 陽光 food料理 girlfriend女朋友
But then/now /latter 有一個但是, 大變化
he has a successful business 片語 賺錢生意
job 工作
profession 職業
They run →普遍化 經營 = have 擁有
operate 正式用法
soccer store 足球用品店
when asked 當被問時
without hesitation 片語→毫不猶豫。
Certainly 確實、真正、強烈方法!
taxi driver 計程車
that's 那就是
you can be what you want 你可以當你想當的人
have a meal=eat 吃一餐
that takes (需要) about five hours! Huge meal=feast 盛宴
Endre=Andrew boros→wine maker(grape)
Hungary匈牙利 Mathematician→數學教授!
Budapest 布達佈斯 匈牙利首都
to join him/her 從1個地方加入1個地方!
and since then 從那時起 片語
At first 首先/剛開始 it was very strange(不習慣)
Now I go everywhere by car 到那裡都開車
at weekends=on the weekend週末
nobody walks anywhere 到處走都開車
how does he find the people ?對~感想?
where are you from?你從那裡來?
start conversations跟你主動開口對話
I like then fact what 片語 我很喜歡的~
All over the world世界各國/地!
what about =如何 片語 they was of life? 生活方式
The ghing I like best 片語 我最喜歡地方
Nobody(美國人用法) tells me (him) what to do 不要命令我!常用夫妻之間!
do what you want 做你想做?片語
learn to →學會/ 習慣做方法!
Make a decision做決定
for yourself 片語
You must( learn to ) thik for yourself.
I feel in control 在控制當中 片語
in control-He is in control of his life。主宰自已生命
in charge →強調權力!
under control-everythin in under contol (常用)情況在控制中
fine art→藝術系 →歷史、畫畫、雕塑、精緻藝術
H's a walk in the park!公園裡散步一樣簡單
piece of cake
{know as} 她被稱呼、
{goes by (the name of)} 她被叫
{is called} 用
works x for y 片語 work for =who do you work for 你老闆是誰?替誰工作?
publisher 出版社
vietnamese 越南籍 American美國人
Think of 對~有看法?
A is very similar to B=A and B are very Similar 相似接近!
same as =identical 完全一樣 equal=平等、同樣
indifferent 感覺上無所謂!
cheaper than 便宜
public transportation 大眾運輸!
what does she like best ? 他最喜歡是?
crowded 擁擠、jogging 運動、慢跑!
how is running? 機器走的如何?
p2 base=basis
crucial 非要不可比important 還要重要、關鍵成份
=essential,critical 不可缺的
Establishing 建立
distinguishes 區別/分別
distinguish x from y 片語
What exists 有~存在東西,真實東西
mere=only 不過
mental fabrication 心理製造虛構東西
夢dream 幻覺
It refers to 片語,指~~
proper 正確/適當 identification 證明出來 認定/ 認出來
of 關於 the laws →定律科學 of some place →法律、地方、智慧財產→類別
nature 自然界and reality全部一切真實世界
This is reality →book 書…
True reality →真實法界
in order to 為了 常用/ 固定用法
true nature 基礎本質
be objective 客觀
subjective 主觀 相反
the nature of nature 自然界定律
various 各種 interpretations 不同解釋
commentaries 解釋/ 論
Different commentaries sometimes offer 不同論點有時候提供給我們
differnet interpretaions of the same sutca 不同說法解釋 同一個經典
scriptural teachings 經典教導
scripture 關於經典
followers 追隨者/宗教的(大部分)
cannot stand=can't stand 無法忍受/ 不能承受!
cannot with stand
logical analysis 邏輯式分析!
is meaning interpreted 意義,翻譯/解釋為
context 上下文(內容)
with the context of 在~情況下(大局面)
criteria 條件/標準 standard →大水平要求
intention 用意 what is your intention? 企圖?用意?
達到目的! 心裡面用意!
purpose 用途 contradiction 矛盾 for instance=for example 舉一個例子
deals with →面對/再處理 片語 常用
=concerned with face with
ultimate 究竟/絕對實相 reality
apparent 表面上的is found to be fault 發現有瑕疵/ 不正確/壞掉的
according to 根據similarly 同樣的
selflessness 無我
His actions demonstrated his selfless bravery
selfless adjless-less 無佛教術語!
penniless panny=cent 一文不值
aspects of 方面/關於abscure 模糊不清楚!
inferential logic 推算邏輯
no need to 片語 沒有必要
These days 最近 along with 片語包括(含)
distance 距離 movements 移動
abvious 明顯 describes 描述
in ways that 用~方式 contradict 抵觸
direct valid 直接有效感受 perception
no longer 不再
accept x as true 片語 接受當真
take 用=use a similar approach 用接近相似方式接近!
over the time 超越 time 時間!