8. 感覺的放大。 敏感增加。
8a。 洞見: 模糊的影像,發閃爍之光物體,見到閃光的粒子,在人、植物、動物和物體周圍的氣味。 一些從前見到的報告使物體不透明卻變的透明的結果。 當你關上眼睛的時候,你不再見到黑暗、但是卻是紅色。 當眼睛閉上的的時候,你也可能看幾何圖形或者燦爛的顏色和圖片。 顏色顯得更生動的-- 天空可能看小鳧或草令人驚異的綠色。時常我見到橫跨地面的光柵在跑。
忠告: 你的視野正在以許多方式改變-- 你正在經歷新方法的看見。 要忍耐。 無論你做什麼,不害怕。 朦朧的視野也許藉由打哈欠減輕。8b。 聽力: 或增加或減少聽力。 我曾經認為,因為在高速公路上的痛苦地擴大聽到我的輪胎的聲音,我將會必須順利完成開車在這高速公路上。 其他的癥狀就是在在頭、聽到嗶嗶聲、明暗、音樂或電子型態的白色噪音。 一些聽到水流動聲音,蜜蜂發出蜂鳴聲音,發出嘶嘶聲,吼聲或鳴響。 其他人有叫做聲音的難語症-- 你不能總是了解人們正在說什麼,好像你不再能翻譯你自己的語言。一些人在夢中聽到奇怪的聲音,好像某人正在他們的附近盤旋。 你能或要求出現離開或者問天使長麥可幫忙需要照顧狀況。 再,再次提醒這裡沒有需要害怕的。
忠告: 順從它。 讓它過來。 注意聽。 你的耳朵正在調整對新頻率的接收。
8c。 可提高嗅覺、觸覺以及/或品嚐味道能力。我注意到,我現在會感到相當不愉快對於一些食物能聞到而且嚐到化學的添加劑。 其他的很棒的食物可能嚐起來完全令人驚奇和美妙。 對於一些人,這些提高是令人愉快的而且轉移注意力。 你可能甚至偶爾聞到花的芬芳。 許多神秘的事即將發生。 好好享受它吧。 ☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第5部靈性提昇上的癥狀! 哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 如果覺得本部落格不錯! 敬請期待後續翻譯……
8. Amplification of the senses. Increased sensitivity.
8a . Sight: Blurry vision, shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants, animals, and objects. Some report seeing formerly opaque objects as transparent. When you close your eyes, you no longer see darkness, but redness. You may also see geometric shapes or brilliant colors and pictures when eyes are closed. Colors appear more vivid -- the sky might look teal or the grass an amazing green. Often I see grids running across the ground.
As you become more sensitive, you may see shapes or outlines in the air, especially when the room is almost dark. When your eyes are open or closed, you may see white shapes in your peripheral vision (these are your guides).
Advice: Your vision is changing in many ways -- you are experiencing new ways of seeing. Be patient. Whatever you do, do not be afraid. Hazy vision maybe relieved by yawning.
8b. Hearing: Increased or decreased hearing. I once thought I would have to pull off the road because of the painfully amplified sound of my tires on the freeway. Other symptoms are hearing white noise in the head, beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns. Some hear water rushing, bees buzzing, whooshing, roaring or ringing. Others have what is called audio dyslexia-- you can't always make out what people are saying, as if you can no longer translate your own language.
Some hear strange voices in their dreams, as if someone is hovering near them. You can either ask the presence(s) to leave or ask Archangel Michael to take care of the situation. Again, there is nothing to fear.
Advice: Surrender to it. Let it come through. Listen. Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies.
8c . Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste. I notice I can now smell and taste chemical additives in some foods in a rather unpleasant manner. Other food may taste absolutely wonderful. For some people, these enhancements are both delightful and distracting. You might even smell the fragrance of flowers now and then. Many of the mystics did. Enjoy it.