今晚的主題是每件事物屬於頭,從肩膀增加。 我們再次有了10到15分鐘私人期間充電。 這次,我們是告訴在昨晚被提到的祈禱位置中立刻放置我們的手:
’第三個眼睛。’我感覺從手腕向上變得比較熱的我的手,幾乎好像他們正在被裝滿熱。 當到達我
治癒眼睛: 做任何事都必須用眼睛,包括青光眼,白內障,藏汙納垢處。 放置在眼睛上的一小毛巾(紙),而且把手指放在眼睛上,然後移動到頭的旁邊,然後頭的背後。 她有了所有的眼睛疾病的成功,一些花數個月,其它的只有一些治療。每日治療總是適當的,15-20 分鐘。
哮喘的治癒: 將手放在咽喉根上,然後加上雙肩,
耳朵的治癒: 將手放在在耳朵之上傳遞,將手指放在耳朵中,然後將手放在病人旁邊邊之上在耳朵後面,然後回過頭而且做相同的後面部分其他的耳朵,也治療太陽神經叢和咽喉,因為耳朵狀況可能從錯誤的營養開始。 在治療之後,清掃耳朵。治療之後清洗耳朵要注意,但是不磨擦他們。
治癒喉頭促進聲音:把手 (和手指)放咽喉凹陷處搭上肩膀,然後在附近全部治療咽喉。
治癒偏頭痛頭痛: 他們時常由錯誤營養所引起,而且如此胃和腎需要治療。(請見明天的演講) 然後好像為哮喘和花粉熱,也包括頭頂、咽喉後面和旁邊。它也被指出腳應該接受治療,自然地以鞋子走路。
頭髮的損害,甚至禿頭,能接受治療,而且它很重要適當的飲食被遵守。 檸檬汁、檸檬子,等等她沒有說太多關於飲食的事,但是指出它的重要性。
牙齒的治癒: 將手在上面而比較低的下巴上,移動來涵蓋所有的牙齒。
牙齦麻煩的治癒: 相同的方法。 如果牙齒變成寬鬆,不要被掛慮,因為這是那個清潔的部份而且治癒程序。 牙齦將勒緊在他們被治癒時。
舌和內部的嘴治癒: 相同的方法。
Reiki Healing Class - Second Night
Tonight's subject was everything pertaining to the head, from the shoulders up. We again had our 10 to 15 minute private charging period. This time we were
told to place our hands immediately in the praying position mentioned last night:
hands flat together, arms free, especially at the body, at about the height of the
'third eye.' I felt my hands getting warmer from the wrist up, almost as if they
were being filled with heat. When the heat reached my fingertips I had a tingling sensation.
Healing the EYES: anything to do with the eyes, including glaucoma, cataracts, sties. Place a napkin (paper) over the eyes, and put fingers over the eyes, then move to the side of the head, and then back of the head. She had success in all eye diseases, some take months, others only a few treatments. It is always advisable to treat daily, for 15 to 20 minutes.
Healing of the nose: place napkin over the nose, but do not obstruct the nostrils, place hands over nose, then over cheekbones, and finally over forehead, and top
of head.
Healing of asthma: Place hands at root of throat, where it joins shoulders, then
on underside of jaws and on cheeks, then nose as noted above. Also treat ovaries if female, or prostate if male, also solar plexus.
Healing of ears: Place hands over ears, put finger in ear, then put patient on side and place hand behind the ear, then turn around and do same behind other ear, also treat solar plexus and throat, for ear trouble may start with wrong nutrition. Clean out ears, after treatment. Wash eyes after treatment, but don't rub them.
Healing voice box and build up voice: Place hand (and finger) in indentation where throat joins shoulder, then treat throat all around.
Healing migraine headaches: They are frequently caused by wrong nutrition, and thus the stomach and kidneys require treatment (see tomorrow's lecture). Then
treat as if for asthma and hay-fever, also top of head, back and sides and throat.
It was also pointed out that the feet should be treated, naturally with the shoes off.
Loss of hair, even bald-headedness, can be treated, and it is important that proper diet be observed. Lemon juice, seeds, etc. She did not say too much about diets, but indicated the importance of it.
Healing of teeth: Place hand over upper and lower jaws, move to cover all teeth. Healing of gum troubles: same way. Do not be concerned if teeth become loose,
for this is part of the cleansing and healing process. The gums will tighten up
again as they heal.
Healing of the tongue and inside mouth: same way.
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