甲狀腺腫的治癒: (有看得見、外部,以及和內部的甲狀腺腫。 麻煩由錯誤消化所引起,而且太陽神經叢和腎應該首先接受治療,然後將手放置在甲狀腺腫上將會是在脖子的根部傳遞,然後治療做在頁#1 上概略說明注意。 甲狀腺腫將引起眼睛凸出。 因為甲狀腺腫也是一個循環問題,所以也治療心。
疣和鼻息肉的治癒: 相同的方法,將手放在疣和鼻子上 (如果鼻息肉)在適當時間它們將會簡單脫落,脫落包括它的根部。鼻息肉通常被切斷或者燃燒才脫落,但是根仍然保持,而且如此他們仍然向後地生長。
今天,也,在我們的之後’私人的會議,我們坐在那’四張椅子治癒列隊,' 當做昨天概略說明。在兩者,私人的會議和治癒椅子中
我們輪流了男人和女人。 她說我們永遠不會失去我們的治癒的力量,除非我們準備對其他人做嘗試和教導靈氣
她說當我們練習我們學習的時候,我們的敏感將會促進學習。 當我們經歷我們遇到一個要治癒的區域的發麻感覺的時候。 當它
停止,現在是該再移動我們的手的時候。 ”治癒你們自己! 治癒你們自己! 她
它是相得益彰對於它對於接受靈氣服務索價是沒有錯誤而且普遍性接受的,尤其因此自從那以後醫治者投資時間和金錢在工作中變成有效率時。 醫治者也可能必須支付服務,他或
檢查而且平靜恐懼「病人可能有」是很好的。 醫治者可能發現那一他或她在治癒力量方面有起起落落,但是藉由繼續做靈氣治療工作,這將最後達到平穩和增加。
給我們的工作的類型的一個好描述是精神上的治療。 哪不只有涵蓋和放置手 也是心上上的個別輔導,鎮定的祈禱而且是’非傷害的。’
Healing of goiter: (there is a visible, outer, and also and inner goiter. Trouble is caused by wrong digestion, and solar plexus and kidney should be treated first, then place hands at root of the neck, where goiter would be, then treat eyes as outlined on page #1. Goiter will cause bulging eyes. Also treat heart, because Goiter is also a circulation problem.
Healing of warts and Polyps: same way, by placing hands over warts and over nose (if polyps) in due time they will simply fall off, fall out including their roots. Polyps are usually cut off or burned off, but the root remains and thus they grow back in.
Today our instructor did mention that healing takes place through the power of
God, and our 'REIKI-Hands' are simply channels through which the power flows.
She squeezed out all 'blackheads' on the back of our 'model' and indicated that they are signs of a too rich diet, especially too much sugar and fat.
Today, also, after our 'private session, we were sitting in the 'four chair healing parade,' as outlined yesterday. In both, the private session and the healing chairs
we alternated man and women. She said we would never lose our healing power,
except if we were to try and teach REIKI to another.....
She said our sensitivity would improve as we practice what we learn. When we experience the tingling sensation we encounter an area to be healed. When it
stops, it is time to move our hands again. "Heal yourselves! Heal yourselves! she
said several times, you come first before others.
It was brought out that there is nothing wrong with charging people for a service received, especially so since the healer invested time and money to become efficient in the work. Also the healer may have to pay for services, which he or
she would normally do him- or herself if time was not taken up with healing, not
to speak of cost of table, a room set aside for it.
There may be other 'signs' of healing action such as diarrhea, weakness and feeling upset.
Meditation and prayer before beginning treatments is always a good way of
'focusing' the power.
It is well to check and calm the fear the patient may have. The healer may find
that he or she has ups and downs in healing power, but by keeping on doing the work, this will eventually level out and up.
Sometimes one's own family simply refuses to believe that one of their own is a gifted healer, but then it has been discovered before that 'A prophet may not be welcome in his own country.' After all doctors don't treat their families either.
Heavy perspiration can also be an indication of healing taking place.
In healing, others have also had the sensation that there is no body where the healers hand is resting.
A good phrase for our type of work is SPIRITUAL THERAPY. That not only
covers the laying on of hands, but spiritual counseling, even prayers and is 'non- committing.'
