靈性提昇上的癥狀: 為許多癥狀被提供的忠告也從各種不同的來源 (書在傳統的精神上的練習上和傳遞資訊)被收集而且可能不會反映在我們自己經驗上。關於任何事,使用識別力:如果它是有用、好的; 如果不,不理睬它。 對閱讀的一本優良的書是什麼是光體 Lightbody? 被塔西拉 他屈-倫 接通的靈性管道是天使長牡羊座。 用心的 OrJack Kornfield 一個路徑。我們全部在我們自己的獨特方法中經歷我們的靈性上發展。
因為我們其中的一些改變發生得慢慢; 但是因為其他一系列的事件能引起突然的生長。 我們不是全部分享相同的癥狀或改變。
而且無疑地我們擁有我們的個別靈性上的信念。 我們是像雪片一樣的不同,然而我們分享共同的本質和一般的塑造。 一些有關資訊可能與你共振。 其他的觀念可能對你是不舒服。我們針對每一個新的資資一定要自己調查而且辨別什麼是真實和什麼是不能為我們服務的。
因此當你讀這一個列表的時候,我要求你為自己做這個。 你負責你自己的詮釋。 和平和愛,亞倫 ellen@hevanet.com 靈性喚醒的症狀
1. 改變睡眠型態: 不安靜,熱的腳,一夜晚二或三次醒來。 在你醒來之後,在白天覺得很疲累和睏乏想睡。為某事被呼叫多數發生以三個一組睡眠典型的: 你睡眠大約 2-3 小時之久,醒來,回去睡另外兩小時,再被叫醒,而且回去再睡覺。 針對其他人來說,睡眠需求已經改變。 你能在比較少的睡眠經歷。
近來我一直經歷能量極大波動進入我的身體的頂輪。 它覺得舒服,但是它使我保持清醒的有很長的一段時間,然後平息。忠告: 習慣於使用它。 讓它平靜而且關於得到足夠的睡眠不煩惱. (時常引起更多的失眠) 如果你究竟得到你需要的佔住想法,你將能夠整天製造它。 你也能請求你的較高的力量偶爾給你休息而且給你好又深的夜間睡眠。
如果你不能夠回去立刻睡覺,使用被叫醒片刻冥想,詩讀,看月亮或寫你的日記。 你的身體調整到新的模式。
Symptoms of Ascension: The advice given for many of the symptoms is also gathered from various sources (books on traditional spiritual practices as well as channeled information) and may not reflect my own personal experience. As with anything, use discernment: if it's useful, fine; if not, ignore it. One excellent book to read is What Is A Lightbody? Archangel Ariel channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren. OrJack Kornfield's A Path with Heart. We all experience our spiritual development in our own unique way.
For some of us the changes occur slowly; for others a series of events can trigger sudden growth. We do not all share the same symptoms or changes.
And certainly we hold our individual spiritual beliefs. We are as different as snowflakes, yet we share a common essence and general shape. Some of this information may resonate for you. Other concepts may not be comfortable for you. Each of us must examine new information and discern for ourselves what is truth and what does not serve us.
So I ask you to do this for yourself as you read this list. You are responsible for your own interpretation. Peace and Love, Ellen ellen@hevanet.com SYMPTOMS OF SPIRITUAL AWAKENING
1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day.
There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep.
Lately I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, and then subsides.
Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with it and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia). You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need. You can also request your Higher Power to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night's sleep.
If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.