金字塔十ㄧUnited States-Feminine Energy【Thoth十二個金字塔故事系列】
The Pyramid that is in the grid over the United States brings in the return of the feminine energies.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goesby the frequency, Isis, for She is the feminineaspect in all that moves through the matrix.
It is She who expresses herself in the form ofthe Earth Mother. She, who is Creatrix of Life andEvolution. She who sends energy to the matrix thatperpetuates the reality in which souls may manifest.
She, who has no permanent form, but thatof Light. It is She that you knew as Sekhmetand Hathor, among other Creational Forces.
It is She who creates from her pyramid,weaving her creation into the fabric of Time.
Her energies move through the matrix touchingall that is in creation, all that flows throughconsciousness, all and everything that is bothold and new, for they areone and the same.
From her Pyramid she brings the matrix fullcircle, Creatrix and destroyer All in One.
Travel with me to the Pyramid of the Feminine,She who now returns to planet Earth to expressherself in the light harmonics of creation.